WEARING A GROIN CUP: Where we are today (Part 2)

As we entered the new millennia, amateur competitive athletes had new options for more advanced protective gear. These included the invention of modern composite materials, better medical awareness, and computer modeling. With this technology change came new designs, shapes, and sizes that changed the effectiveness of well-designed Athletic cups.

Why did groin cups improve in the 2000s?

Many sportswear companies filed patents for these superior products, and more companies emerged dedicated to making protective groin cups. No longer were most cups one-size-fits-all devices and “multi-sport.”  Many of these advancements were due to entrepreneurs who were themselves athletes who wore athletic cups. This gave them both motivation and a first handed view of the problems with older groin protection products. 

  • Myth

All newer groin cups provide better protection and comfort.

  • Truth 

Many groin cups made currently have not improved much.

How to chose the correct groin cup.

Older, poorly designed, and manufactured groin protectors still exist. It is cheaper for companies to keep making the old-style groin cups and just change the color, logos, etc. Athletes have to choose carefully since many athletic cups do look similar. 

Hockey, baseball, and MMA now have many groin cups designed mostly for them.  Some companies have groin cups designed to be easier to run in, custom fit, and are far more comfortable. And athletic cups can be the right size for a sport and age.  

Todays’ athletes can enjoy far superior testicle protection than even 10 years ago if they pick proper products. One would think that this would sharply reduce groin and testicle injuries. 

Unfortunately, many groin cup designs fail to hold the cup in place, which is critical for protection. Some do an outstanding job in this. 

However, groin cup usage by amateur and professional athletes in contact sports has steadily declined since the 1980s in many sports. Before that time, nearly all US Football and baseball players wore athletic cups. Boys expected to wear one, and schools often enforced this as well. 

  • Myth

With better groin cups available, more men and boys are using them.

  • Facts

Many are not using these better products. Even do they should. 

Prevent serious groin issues by wearing it.

Surveys done in the 1990s and 2000s showed athletic cup usage was nearly non-existent for football players, and in baseball, only infield players routinely wear them. This is the case in schools, as well as in professional sports. Martial arts also showed a decline in younger males. 

While the modern groin cup can help males with the horrible pain of a groin hit, and even serious injury, many males choose not to wear one, or only occasionally. But a right-fitting, right-shaped, and secure groin cup can reduce injury and, in many cases, pain as well. 

Male groin protection has advanced through the centuries and now can be considered truly state-of-the-Art in potential safety.  The potential is there. 

But men and boys have to decide they need one, purchase the right high-quality groin cup, and actually wear it.


Watch and learn how you can change your game

Ben Thulen
Sports Injury Researcher, United States

Photo by Samarth Shirke


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